Eagle Pose
What is Eagle Pose?
Eagle pose is a standing balance pose that’s as much about focus and mindset as it as about balancing ability. Harness the breath, focus the gaze and calm the mind to master this position’s balancing twists.
How do you do Eagle Pose?
Trin 1
Stand with your legs hips-width apart and bend your knees. Lean your torso forward slightly, keeping your back long and extended. Reach your arms straight overhead.
Trin 2
Lift your left leg and cross it over your right thigh. Wrap your left foot toes around your right calf.
Trin 3
Bend your arms into a goalpost position by lowering them to shoulder height with your elbows at 90 degree angles.
Trin 4
Keeping the 90-degree angle, bring your arms in front of your chest. Cross your left arm underneath your right and then wind your right forearm around your left. Bring your palms together with your fingers pointing up. Repeat on the other side.
How do you modify Eagle Pose?
Eagle Pose for Prenatal
If you’re a mother-to-be, don’t twist your legs. Instead, sit deeper in the pose to strengthen your quads.
Eagle Pose for Beginners
If you’re just starting with Eagle Pose, work up to the full-balance pose. Don’t wrap your toes around your opposite calf until you feel steady.
Advanced Eagle Pose
For even more of a challenge, deepen your knee bend to sink lower into the pose. Lift your arms higher to intensify shoulder activation.
Eagle for Weak Knees
If you have knee problems, keep your torso higher so pressure is evenly distributed across your body. You should also avoid the foot twist.
Eagle for Weak Lower Back
You can reduce pressure on the lower back by skipping the foot twist.
Eagle for Weak Shoulders
If you have weak shoulders, keep your elbows below your shoulders. If the position is still uncomfortable, extend your bottom arm straight or forego the arm twist altogether.
Eagle for Tight Hips
For tight hips, avoid crossing your legs over and instead stand with your legs hips-width apart.
What are the benefits of Eagle Pose?
Full-body Strength
Leg Strength
Det siger eksperten
This pose is fantastic to improve balance and it also works to strengthen inner thighs and ankles.