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Fitness and wellness aren’t one-size-fits-all, and neither are our memberships. Choose a plan that best fits your lifestyle.
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Available plans
After your trial, you’ll automatically enroll onto our 40 credits per month plan. You can change your renewal plan at any time.
Learn more about credits
Available plans
After your trial, you’ll automatically enroll onto our 40 credits per month plan. You can change your renewal plan at any time.
Learn more about credits
6 credits
DKK 85
20 credits
DKK 259
40 credits
DKK 499
65 credits
DKK 699
80 credits
DKK 860
6 credits
DKK 85
20 credits
DKK 259
40 credits
DKK 499
65 credits
DKK 699
80 credits
DKK 860
I’m in
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Book classes & appointments worldwide
Cancel or change your renewal plan at any time
Invite friends to join you and score rewards for each friend who signs up
Frequently asked questions
Where can I use my ClassPass credits?
How can I save by booking through ClassPass?
How do I know how much a class or appointment costs in credits?
What if I run out of credits?
What if I don’t use all of my credits?
What happens if I cancel a reservation?
What happens if I miss a reservation?
What is your membership cancellation policy, and how do I cancel?