• Aline Pilates
    Pilates, Efter fødsel, …

    Aline Pilates

    236 Carroll St, #1, Brooklyn
    Retningslinjer for sikkerhed

    Advanced Tower

    I really enjoyed Hunter’s class. I think Aline is really good about having small classes and instructors that focus on form and precise cueing. Glad to see the advanced tower class back on Sundays. I hope to become a regular
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    Aline Pilates offers classical Pilates instruction in Cobble Hill. Founder Carey…
  • Elite Fitness Studio
    Styrketræning, Low-impact Training, …

    Elite Fitness Studio

    111 Union St, Brooklyn
    Retningslinjer for sikkerhed

    In-Person Cardio Cycling

    I took a cycling class with John. I really enjoyed the class. I thought there was good energy and I haven’t taken a spin class for a while, but it was easy to get into the groove of it.
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    Devoted to providing an environment that will support you in creating physical and…
  • Crunch Gym
    Træningstid, Styrketræning, …

    Crunch Gym

    555 5th Ave, Brooklyn
    Retningslinjer for sikkerhed


    Love Patrick’s energy and how well-designed his classes are. This is one of my favorite strength training classes on Classpass. Small feedback that his classes often run over the scheduled time, which is tough for those of us who are fitting a workout in before work.
    se alle anmeldelser
    Crunch is a high end gym chain with 400+ locations nationwide. They specialize in…