Dutch Strength
Denne virksomhed er i en anden tidszone.
Sikkerhed og renlighed
Retningslinjer for sikkerhed er leveret af Dutch Strength og blev senest opdateret 12.10.23.
Tiltag til social afstand
Our gym has reserved spots to make lifting safe!
Ekstra rengøring
Users are asked to have clean shoes & hands before entering the gym space, all our users have to desinfect the used equipment
Begrænset kapacitet
Our gym is restricted to reservation on a maximum of 16 training spots
Our code of conduct refers to how to load a bar correctly, but also you are asked to wear proper clothing - trunk needs to be covered (Internationa Weightlifting Federation sportclothes rules)
ons. 22. jan.
75 min
LIfting FUNdamentals Olympic Weightlifting
Tom BruijnenDutch Strength-anmeldelser
5,083 bedømmelser
- 5
- 4
- 3
- 2
- 1
Ikke anmeldt endnu.
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