Live by the Sword Salon

Denne virksomhed er i en anden tidszone.

Sikkerhed og renlighed

Retningslinjer for sikkerhed er leveret af Live by the Sword Salon og blev senest opdateret 19.11.22.

Politik vedr. ansigtsmaske

Guests are required to wear a mask upon entering the salon and for the duration of their appointment. The mask must be one that goes around the ears. If you do not have a mask, we will provide one for you.

Tiltag til social afstand

We will ensure a 6 foot distance between our guests. In an effort to maintain social distancing and cleanliness, you will not be permitted to bring any additional guests or pets to the salon.

Ekstra rengøring

You can be sure that the area and tools being used will be properly disinfected/sanitized before and after your appointment. Guests and employees will have to wash hands before their appointment begins. Hand sanitizer will be available for use throughout the salon.


fre. 3. maj
Der er ingen kommende reservationer til rådighed denne dag

Live by the Sword Salon-anmeldelser

500+ bedømmelser
Ikke anmeldt endnu.

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Hvordan kommer man derhen

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