Lovelace Chiropractic and Sports Rehab

Denne virksomhed er i en anden tidszone.

Sikkerhed og renlighed

Retningslinjer for sikkerhed er leveret af Lovelace Chiropractic and Sports Rehab og blev senest opdateret 4.10.24.

Politik vedr. ansigtsmaske

We follow the guidelines set forth by Dallas county. Our staff members wear mask and we ask our patients to wear their mask unless they fall into one of the exception set by Dallas city officials.

Tiltag til social afstand

Social distancing is taken after our patients are set up for their treatments and throughout the length of their treatments.

Ekstra rengøring

All equipment and objects that individuals touch during the visits are sanitized after they leave to ensure that all surfaces are clean upon the arrival of our next patient.

Begrænset kapacitet

We gap treatments between patients so we limit the number of individuals in the clinic at one time.


ons. 22. jan.
Der er ingen kommende reservationer til rådighed denne dag

Lovelace Chiropractic and Sports Rehab-anmeldelser

42 bedømmelser
Ikke anmeldt endnu.

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