Medical Sports Massage and Cryotherapy
Denne virksomhed er i en anden tidszone.
Sikkerhed og renlighed
Retningslinjer for sikkerhed er leveret af Medical Sports Massage and Cryotherapy og blev senest opdateret 21.9.23.
Politik vedr. ansigtsmaske
All of their employees are wearing mask, and ask that all class Pass clients wear mask as well. If you so not have a mask one will be given to you once you enter the lobby.
Tiltag til social afstand
They stager the appointments so that no more than 3 people are in the lobby at one time
Ekstra rengøring
They are sanitizing the restrooms, doors, chairs, tables, and all equipment through out the day.
They Check temperature every time a client enters into the facility
Medical & Sports Massage: About Cryo-Therapy
We Are Medical & Sports Massage
How can Medical & Sports Massage and Cryotherapy Help You?
søn. 2. feb.
Der er ingen kommende reservationer til rådighed denne dag
Medical Sports Massage and Cryotherapy-anmeldelser
4,942 bedømmelser
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Ikke anmeldt endnu.
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