MoSa Spa

Denne virksomhed er i en anden tidszone.

Sikkerhed og renlighed

Retningslinjer for sikkerhed er leveret af MoSa Spa og blev senest opdateret 20.2.21.

Politik vedr. ansigtsmaske

All guests and employees are required to wear a mask.

Tiltag til social afstand

We will allow only one person in the waiting room at a time and guests must come alone to appointments. Guests are required to use our distance indicators at the front desk for Check-in and Check-out.

Ekstra rengøring

Employees will be sanitizing and disinfecting all areas after each guest, as well as at the beginning and end of their shifts.

Begrænset kapacitet

We will allow only one person in the waiting room at a time and guests must come alone to appointments. Guests are seen by appointment only.


lør. 18. maj
Der er ingen kommende reservationer til rådighed denne dag

MoSa Spa-anmeldelser

12 bedømmelser
Ikke anmeldt endnu.

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