OnePlus Strength and Conditioning
Denne virksomhed er i en anden tidszone.
Sikkerhed og renlighed
Retningslinjer for sikkerhed er leveret af OnePlus Strength and Conditioning og blev senest opdateret 8.2.21.
Politik vedr. ansigtsmaske
Masks are optional for attendees.
Tiltag til social afstand
Floor makers are in place to indicate safe distances.
Ekstra rengøring
All equipment and high touch surfaces will be deep cleaned between each class and between use.
Begrænset kapacitet
Maximum class size will be 8 for Strength and Conditioning + CrossFitMaximum class size will be 10 for BootCamp.
Welcome to OnePlus Strength & Conditioning / OP CrossFit
fre. 10. jan.
60 min
Strength and Conditioning CrossFit
Grant Wieman45 min
Emma Wagner60 min
Strength and Conditioning CrossFit
Selena Cardenas75 min
Open Gym - OnePlus
Lufe Torres60 min
Strength and Conditioning CrossFit
Isaiah Zapata60 min
Strength and Conditioning CrossFit
Isaiah Zapata60 min
Strength and Conditioning CrossFit
Isaiah ZapataOnePlus Strength and Conditioning -anmeldelser
5,01.000+ bedømmelser
- 5
- 4
- 3
- 2
- 1
Ikke anmeldt endnu.
Sådan forbereder du dig