The CryoBar - Lincoln Park

Denne virksomhed er i en anden tidszone.

Sikkerhed og renlighed

Retningslinjer for sikkerhed er leveret af The CryoBar og blev senest opdateret 9.4.24.

Politik vedr. ansigtsmaske

As always, all treatment apparel are washed in between clients. In addition, we are providing an additional pair of gloves to be worn before putting on mittens. We are completely sanitizing every dressing room in between clients, as well as sanitizing all high touch areas hourly (at minimum).

Tiltag til social afstand

Employees and clients are required to wear a mask while clients are in the facility. If a client doesn't bring a mask, a disposable mask will be available depending on stock.

Ekstra rengøring

All employees and clients should remain six feet apart whenever possible. To aid in this, we have removed some chairs in our waiting area to create more distance, and encourage clients to stay in their dressing room if there are other clients in the facility as well.

Begrænset kapacitet

We are limiting capacity to 10 people in each store. There will be one employee per shift to reduce exposures as well. Clients may not bring more than 1 additional guest not receiving a service.


Welcome to The CryoBar - Recovery Spa in Chicago, IL


lør. 27. apr.
5 min

Whole Body Cryotherapy -- 3 Minutes

15 min

Localized Cryotherapy -- 10 Minutes

15 min

Cryo-Toning Facial -- 10 Minutes

5 min

Whole Body Cryotherapy -- 3 Minutes

5 min

Whole Body Cryotherapy -- 3 Minutes

5 min

Whole Body Cryotherapy -- 3 Minutes

15 min

Localized Cryotherapy -- 10 Minutes

15 min

Cryo-Toning Facial -- 10 Minutes

5 min

Whole Body Cryotherapy -- 3 Minutes

5 min

Whole Body Cryotherapy -- 3 Minutes

5 min

Whole Body Cryotherapy -- 3 Minutes

15 min

Localized Cryotherapy -- 10 Minutes

15 min

Cryo-Toning Facial -- 10 Minutes

5 min

Whole Body Cryotherapy -- 3 Minutes

5 min

Whole Body Cryotherapy -- 3 Minutes

The CryoBar-anmeldelser

500+ bedømmelser
Ikke anmeldt endnu.

Sådan forbereder du dig







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