- Rört is the new movement community in Copenhagen: We believe that sports should…
Pole Level 1 - Dance
see all reviewsJeg havde en fantastisk første gangs oplevelse! Det var udfordrende men jeg elskede den positive energi i rummet. Instruktøren var så imødekommende og sød. Det handlede ikke kun om at opbygge styrke, men også om at forbinde sig med sin femininitet og indre styrke. Kan virkelig anbefale det! 💕
House of Pole tilbyder poledance, polefitness, smidighedstimer dans, hoop og silk…Pilates
see all reviewsThe class was a great!! Jessica is an amazing instructor and kept everyone motivated throughout the class - plus the music was great!
Hos Nordic Pole har vi flere års erfaring med polte dance. Vores instruktører er…Intermediate Ballet with Pianist
see all reviewsA true classical ballet class. Beautiful big studio with no columns, Marley floor, lots of barre space. The entrance to the building is to the left of the Meny grocery store. Go up the stairs. There’s a changing room. I would definitely return to this studio! :)
Discover the thrill of spontaneous dancing with their drop-in classes 7 days a week…TW - Todays Workout
see all reviewsSuper nice workout. Very dynamic and definitely will book it again
Calisthenics er en træningsform baseret på egen kropsvægt, som kræver minimum brug…Pregnancy training: Strength/Tone
see all reviewsSynes Helena er god til at variere træningen og tilpasse niveauet til alle. Hun har en god balance mellem at være energisk og forstående, hvis man en dag har lyst til at presse sig selv og en anden dag har brug for at skrue lidt ned for tempoet.
Ønsker du at holde dig i form, har du svært ved at komme i gang - eller ønsker du…- A day at Lake House is a journey from morning to evening, from body to mind with…
HOT Pilates
see all reviewsThis class is literally my favorite, the music is so good, and since I do not speak Danish the instructor kindly did the class in English. I find myself looking forward to my next class with Sarah each and every week!
If you're looking for a studio with classes that are as challenging as they are fun…