• The Yoga Flat
    Yoga, Prenatal, …

    The Yoga Flat

    Nørrebrogade 14B, Enter from Ravnsborggade 8, Copenhagen N
    Safety guidelines

    Mixed Level Practice (1,2)

    After many years of practicing, I still feel that Yoga Flat is the best studio in town. Nicolai is a wonderful teacher with a talent to skillfully teach Dharma alongside guiding interesting and engaging physical practice. It's a complete and genuine yoga place with a great community feeling.
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    The Yoga Flat is a welcoming yoga studio and yoga school in Copenhagen, with three…
  • YUM Yoga & Café
    Yoga, Aerial, …

    YUM Yoga & Café

    Alliancevej 22, København
    Safety guidelines

    yum aerial intermediate ⁓ the sky is the limit

    The teacher is very kind and the class was in English
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    yum yoga & café is a Bali-meets-LA inspired haven in Sydhavnen where you can prolong…
  • NOR: Nordic Health House
    Yoga, Prenatal, …

    NOR: Nordic Health House

    Hejrevej 30, 3. sal, København

    Pop-up Akhanda Yoga

    Virkelig dejlig time. Meget autentisk til hvordan yoga undervises i Indien. Signe underviser med et smil og en varme der virkelig mærkes
    see all reviews
    I Københavns nordvestlige kvarter, tæt på Nørrebro Station og metro, ligger NOR:…
  • The Yoga Flat
    Yoga, Prenatal, …

    The Yoga Flat

    80B Vesterbrogade, København

    Mixed Level Practice (1,2)

    Amazing class. Sarah kept a great flow while adding a nice touch of personality, which made you feel connected and present. It brought up a few smiles within the class.
    see all reviews
    The Yoga Flat is a welcoming yoga studio and yoga school in Copenhagen, with locations…
  • Kids Kollektive
    Strength Training, Yoga, …

    Kids Kollektive

    48A H. C. Ørsteds Vej, Frederiksberg
    Safety guidelines

    Pregnancy training: Strength/Tone

    Synes Helena er god til at variere træningen og tilpasse niveauet til alle. Hun har en god balance mellem at være energisk og forstående, hvis man en dag har lyst til at presse sig selv og en anden dag har brug for at skrue lidt ned for tempoet.
    see all reviews
    Ønsker du at holde dig i form, har du svært ved at komme i gang - eller ønsker du…

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